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Building Digital Strategy for Health Care Organizations

Organizations within the health care industry have great potential on the digital landscape but are often hesitant to move forward. Quite simply, there’s a lot of information to share, and they don’t know where to start.

However, their target audiences more often seek options and research providers online. It’s time for industry organizations to not only catch up but to also stay ahead of the competition.

After all, it’s not just consumers seeking health care hoping to see these organizations shift more information online. Educators, researchers, medical students and doctors would like to move forward digitally to expand their reach and meet the needs of their key audiences.

Building Effective Blueprints

Shifting information and marketing efforts online can often feel like a big leap forward for our clients. To make the transition easier and more efficient, we start every digital project with a strategy engagement. During this time, we analyze specific and separate target audiences for an organization and develop strategies to effectively connect with them. This includes identification of their specific needs and triggers, which helps our team outline and build online resources just for them.

Industry-Leading Web Development

At the end of this consulting period, clients have, in hand, documents outlining our findings and blueprints for their digital solution. Our team uses these plans to build websites packed with critical information, such as health care specialty areas, locations, doctor biographies and more, all without overwhelming its visitors. These digital solutions function as easily-navigated databases, simplifying the research process and helping key audiences find exactly the information they seek, all within a few clicks.

By making decisions related to page layouts, user interfaces (UI) and user experiences (UX) before development starts, we streamline this process and guarantee increased levers of visitor satisfaction. We also create engaging website experiences through responsive design best practices, ensuring each visitor consumes information efficiently, regardless of device choice.

Mobile Strategies

We also focus on building websites responsively, enhancing the user experience for visitors using all mobile devices, from smart phones to tablets to traditional desktop computers. By ensuring our clients can reach their audiences at every point in the research process, whether it be from a quick iPhone search or browsing from a Microsoft Surface, we help expand their reach online.

Connecting The Dots Online

Once built, our online marketing team takes over to prepare our clients for a successful launch. We write optimized copy to help the website rank in related search results and therefore increase website traffic. Our team then builds on-page strategies to connect with target audiences once they arrive.

Following launch, we provide support and continuous effort to strengthen clients’ overall digital marketing efforts. From SEO to social media strategy to remarketing, our digital marketing team focuses on driving traffic to our clients’ websites.


Start connecting with your all of your key audiences, from prospective and current patients, to medical researchers to university students, by partnering up with our team.

Contact us to learn about how we’ve helped health care clients extend their online reach and achieve their digital business goals.